January 2020. Add-Value and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) traveled to CREDIGUATE in Totonicapán, Guatemala, and together with the institution´s field staff visited smallholder farmers clients located in San Antonio Suchitepequez, San Marcos, Quiché, and Sololá. Field visits and interviews were conducted with smallholder farmers producing coffee, tomato, peas, chives, apples, plums, peaches, as well as cattle (milk) and poultry (laying hens), to analyze the incidence of climate change in their productive activities and consider potential adaptation measures that can help them build resilience and overcome the effects of climate change. This effort is part of the development of the Small Farmers Climate Adaptation Fund (SMAF), an impact fund that aims at introducing climate adaptation measures for smallholder farmers through a group of MFIs in Latin America.